Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Genesis 12-18

It's been a while! This past week has been super busy, but even though there hasn't been a post I've still been reading. After finishing the Book of Job, my reading plan took me back to Genesis, and I think I'll be going in order for the next few months. So anyway, on to the rest of Genesis...
This is when we start to learn about Abram, who eventually has his name changed to Abraham. Long story short, he settles in Canaan, and after a short stay in Egypt during a famine, Abram is doing pretty well. The only thing he's really missing is an heir. He ends up having a son with his wife's slave, and the son is named Ishmael. But God isn't totally excited about all of this, and He promises that Sarai, Abram's wife whose name is changed to Sarah, will have a son to be named Isaac.
Then a covenant is made that God will always be God to Abraham and all of his decedents. It's an everlasting covenant. And Abraham's half of the deal is circumcision for every male. God then tells Abraham that He will make a covenant with Isaac, too. Abraham also asks God to bless Ishmael, so God says, "Oh alright, I'll make sure he's fruitful. Hell, I'll have 12 kings come from him. But I'm not making a covenant with him. Sorry not sorry." 
Then God tells Abraham that he's going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because literally everyone there is wicked. Abraham thinks he's making a deal when he asks God to spare the cities if he finds even just 10 righteous people, and God says, "Oh, okay. I'll spare them if I find 10 righteous people." But God knows very good and well He's not going to find anyone righteous, and he's going to nuke 'em all.
First of all, why circumcision? That just seems like such a random sign for a covenant with God. Like, I'm not questioning it, but it's just a total 180 from the rainbow. For me, the rainbow made sense I guess. The Flood brought a ton of changes to the planet - a total different climate and atmosphere - and a rainbow would not have been possible before the Flood. At least that's the impression I'm under. But after the Flood, the rainbow was possible, and it just made sense to have it be the sign of the covenant God made with Noah. But circumcision just seems so random considering God's covenant with Abraham. And I honestly feel like it's just one of those things I just have to accept and not try to explain.

I'm also curious about how the whole Isaac and Ishmael thing will play out. I'm sure those of you who've already read the Bible are thinking I'm a total goober here, but ya know, whatever. All I can tell is that this is a massive sibling rivalry waiting to happen, and I know there will be some significance to it. And I'm interested to know who the 12 kings who come from Ishmael will be and how their roles will unfold.

And then the whole thing with Sodom and Gomorrah. So in Genesis 18 is when Abraham learns about God's plans to take out these cities. But first, three visitors come to Abraham before heading to the cities. I noticed in my translation that "lord" and "LORD" are both used. I know that "LORD" is God, but who is "lord?" At first I thought these three visitors were God and I guess a couple angels, but the use of "lord" just throws me off a little.

I also noticed just how comfortable Abraham is with God. It's like they're old friends. Abraham is trying to save Sodom and Gomorrah, and God is totally okay with Abraham's efforts despite knowing that the cities are filled with wickedness. Abraham even laughed when God told him that Sarah would have a son. No one else has dared to have such a relationship with God, yet here we have Abraham totally comfortable with God. It's just a very different dynamic between these two.


What is your take on the whole circumcision thing? Is it as baffling to you as it is to me, or have you made sense out of it?

While reading, I got the impression that God didn't really like Ishmael and that He will definitely favor Isaac. Yet God is still going to bless Ishmael with many descendants and his own nation. What do you think about that? Is Ishmael really as bad as I'm thinking? Or I'm just in for a big surprise later on? Help me get some clarity on these two sons of Abraham and God's intention for them both.

And what do you think about the use of "lord" and "LORD" in Genesis 18? I'm using the NIV; if you're using a different translation, do you have these two different uses, or are different words used?

Also, what are your thoughts on Abraham's relationship with God? Why do you think it's so relaxed and friendly?


  1. I once read an interpretation of circumcision as "the cutting away of unrighteousness." So, without getting too literal, it was like a symbol of getting rid of unrighteousness so that holiness can fill you more. That interpretation came from a commentary on the New Testament, so I'm not sure if/how it applies to the Old Testament, but that's how I made sense out of it.

    From what I understand, Ishmael is largely considered to be the patriarch of Islam. So, his descendants and nation are Muslims. Personally, I'm really curious if Abraham hadn't slept with Hagar, would Islam still be in the world we as we know it today? Looking forward to reading your thoughts as you keep going through his part of the story! Thanks for continuing to share your through-the-Bible experience with us :)

    1. I can see where that makes sense about the circumcision. But why would an interpretation of the New Testament be different from the Old Testament? Aren't they both interpreted alongside each other - one relating to the other?

      And that's what the commentary I've been using said as well - about Ishmael and the Arab part of the world. It's kinda mind boggling to think about how those seemingly small things could have such a huge impact now.
